Upcoming Events

3/6/25 The Enduring Role of Los Alamos National Laboratory in National Security

Date: Thursday, March 6th Location: Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall, 2595 Hearst Avenue, Berkeley Time: 5:00-6:30 pm PT Speaker: Los Alamos National Laboratory Director Thom Mason Recent geopolitical conditions have put Los Alamos National Laboratory’s national...
2/26/24 | NPWG hosts Dr. Erik Brubaker

2/26/24 | NPWG hosts Dr. Erik Brubaker

Date: February 26 Location: UC Berkeley Risk and Security Lab, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 1995 University Ave. Time: 5:30-7 pm PT NPWG is thrilled to host Dr. Erik Brubaker from Sandia National Laboratories for a conversation about arms control verification...

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Introducing the Risk Calculus

Introducing the Risk Calculus

The Risk Calculus is a new podcast series from the UC Berkeley Risk and Security Lab. In Season One, join Professor Andrew Reddie for a deep dive into wargaming, an old way of thinking about risks that is being applied in new ways to some of today's most pressing...

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